Regarding the length of English words


  1. 词频最高的1000个单词平均长度为5.2个字母
  2. 词频最高的2000个单词平均长度为5.7个字母
  3. 词频最高的3000个单词平均长度为6.1个字母
  4. 词频最高的4000个单词平均长度为6.3个字母
  5. 词频最高的5000个单词平均长度为6.4个字母


Regarding the length of English words
Although there are many ways to perform statistical analysis of data, the overall conclusion remains roughly the same, basically pointing towards words with five letters.

Here, I provide a few additional data points for reference:

Firstly, on average, the length of English words, considering the immense vocabulary, is only 9.1 letters. Therefore, this website includes words up to 18 letters in alphabetical order.

Secondly, the results of my calculations based on word frequency sorting are as follows:

  1. The average length of the 1000 most frequently used words is 5.2 letters.
  2. The average length of the 2000 most frequently used words is 5.7 letters.
  3. The average length of the 3000 most frequently used words is 6.1 letters.
  4. The average length of the 4000 most frequently used words is 6.3 letters.
  5. The average length of the 5000 most frequently used words is 6.4 letters.

The 5000 most frequently used words already cover more than 95% of daily English text.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the length of words when learning English vocabulary.